Sneiderman Trial

Andrea is guilty as sin but will get away with it.




Jury selection is underway in the Trial of Andrea Sneiderman. Unfortunately all the serious charges have been dropped. She was originally charged with the murder of her husband, Rusty. Her boss at the time, Hemy Neuman shot and killed Rusty at his child’s day care center. The theory was that she was having an affair with Newman (she denies this) and wanted Rusty dead. Newman is in jail for his murder, but after claiming Barry White and Olivia Newton John told him to kill Rusty he has been found not competent to be involved in this trial. The really interesting part to me is once her husband was dead and Newman in jail, Andrea got together with her other lover, Joseph Dell. She also stands to get $2 mil from insurance. I have a link for more information if you are interested:

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